Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in 24 Beers of Christmas, Beer on Tuesday, December 14th, 2021
Day 14 of the 24 beer of Christmas is Elf Boots, a North East India Pale Ale, from Penrose Brewing Company in Geneva, Illinois. I have been to Penrose once, long time ago. At the time every beer they were making was using some sort of Belgian yeast. You name the styles, possibly some they made up, and it was Belgian yeast. There is only so much of that yeast my palate can take at a time. Now I get a chance to see what has changed.
Elf Boots is s self proclaimed sessionable North East India Pale Ale. Expectations are for Founders Brewing All Day IPA but more of the haze, tropical and juicy. The haze and juicy finish were there, everything else was on the light side. I think this is a good attempt at the style but it simplified too much. A bit too thin without the hop profile in the taste that is expected. I am glad to see Penrose branching out. I hope they continue. I would have this beer again. Enjoy!
Useless Fact: A Harry Potter book filled with typos sold for $90,000.
Tags: 24 beers of christmas, american craft beer, elf boots, penrose brewing company