24 Beers of Christmas: Day 19

By scot in 24 Beers of Christmas, Beer on Sunday, December 19th, 2021

Day 19 of the 24 beer of Christmas is Consonants, a Schwarzbier, from Liquid Love Brewing in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. I see Liquid Love beers at the local beer store all the time but I haven’t pulled the trigger. Purchasing 4 beers a week really limits my selection. After having Consonants their beer will be moved up on the list.

Consonants is so close to be a lager stout that is pranced over the senses as such, creating a warm, fuzzy feeling inside that make this beer disappear quickly. Easily one of the top three beers I have had so far in this advent calendar. I would have this beer again. May the Schwarz be with you. Enjoy!

  • Look: 8.4/10.0
  • Aroma: 7.9/10.0
  • Taste: 8.3/10.0
  • Mouthfeel: 8.0/10.0
  • Overall: 8.2/10.0
  • Rating: 8.16/10.0

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