Central Waters Brewing Company Kosmyk Charlie’s Y2K Catastrophe Ale (365 Day 241)

By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer, Beer on Saturday, July 30th, 2011

central waters kosmyk charlie's y2k catastrophe ale

Every time I have to return to Wisconsin for some tasty American craft beer. It is the neighbor to the north and they produce a ton of American craft beer each year. I am only playing my roll in making sure none goes to waste. 🙂

Kosmyk Charlie’s Y2K Catastrophe Ale by Central Waters Brewing Company turns out to be beer number 241. An American barley wine there are dark fruits, caramel, toffee, brown sugar, alcohol, and a nice smoothness to such a large beer (it is a 2009 bottle).

Central Waters continues to impress battling New Glarus as my favorite American craft brewers from Wisconsin. I have known New Glarus longer so they will hold onto that top spot for a while but they should notice the shadowy figure behind them. Enjoy!

Aroma: 10 (25%), Taste: 9 (25%), Look: 10 (15%), Drinkability: 7 (35%), Overall: 8.7

Useless Fact: Slapstick comedy is named after an actual slapping stick. The stick, which came to be equated with broad farce in the sixteenth century as part of the Italian commedia dell’arte, was used by the comic hero Harlequin to whack the rumps of artless stooges. It was made of two pieces of wood joined together to make a slapping sound when it hit.

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