Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer, Beer on Friday, December 2nd, 2011
The entire crew (Rich, Chuck, and Steve) was over to help celebrate American craft beer number 365. Three beers were served up and in the following order:
Each of these beers was solid in their own way but only one could reach the lofty status of beer number 365. Obviously you can read and noticed in the title that Victor Fancenstein was the perfect beer for the evening. The drinkability of Victor set it apart from other two beers, although I must mention that the 2+ year old bottle of Ivan was damn smooth drinking. Black Tuesday was too hot. I suspected it would be but I had never had it fresh. I wanted something to gauge it buy. It will be a fantastic beer some day.
Victor Fancenstein is a complex beer that is perfect right now. The tart, grapes, oak, and various other attributes make a subtlety complex beer that goes down easy and begs the senses back for more.
I will sum up the experience with my next entry as this is a celebration of beer 365, not the year long experience. My thoughts and wrap up next. Enjoy!
Aroma: 10 (25%), Taste: 10 (25%), Look: 8 (15%), Drinkability: 9 (35%), Overall: 9.4
Useless Fact: Until the 1950’s, Tibetans disposed of their dead by taking the body up to a hill, hacking it into little pieces, and feeding the remains to the birds.
Tags: allagash brewing company, allagash victor francenstein, american craft beer, big sky ivan the terrible, the bruery black tuesday