Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer, Beer on Thursday, December 1st, 2011
The eve of my last American craft beer on the journey to 365 was Sinners Blend 2009 by The Lost Abbey. I received the beer as an extra in a transaction approximately a year ago. As an extra! I have really gotten into sours over the past couple of years, thinking of brewery one up, and when I received this beer I was very excited as I know it has met with fairly high reviews. Also, I haven’t met to many beers from Lost Abbey that I haven’t liked.
I eagerly opened the 375ml bottle. The first aromas brought on tart, old, worn out Belgian candy sugar, and vinegar. Oxidation, wood (not really definable), sour cherries, pepper spice filled out the sensation. The oxidation and vinegar, which both showed in the mouth, took away from the overall experience for me. It was a bit over the top. The mouth brought on more of the same as the aroma, delicately creating a complex beer that was a very good offering.
I have a feeling that more vinegar will seep into this beer as time goes on. I recommend drinking it now before it goes to much further. Enjoy!
Aroma: 8 (25%), Taste: 8 (25%), Look: 9 (15%), Drinkability: 8 (35%), Overall: 8.2
Useless Fact: The Discus Thrower by Myron, one of the most famous of all Greek statues, is not Greek at all. The statue as we know it today is a restoration assembled in the nineteenth century from pieces of a Roman copy of the Greek original.
Tags: american craft beer, belgian strong dark ale, lost abbey sinners blend 2009, the lost abbey