Central Waters Brewing Company Bourbon Barrel Cherry Stout (365 Day 109)

By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer on Sunday, March 20th, 2011

Central Waters BB Cherry Stout

Saturday was a good day for American craft beer. I started the afternoon off by trying to get tickets for Three Floyds Dark Lord Day. I figured it would be best appreciated with a bottle of American craft beer. I started off about 30 minutes before launch to make sure I had everything up and could rate the beer: Bourbon Barrel Cherry Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company.

This ends up being beer number 109 in my quest for 365 American craft beers in 365 days. The beer was pretty solid all the way around but had a sour cherry element that I didn’t expect. I thought it would be sweet but, no matter what, not tart. This was the only distraction from an otherwise solid offering from Central Waters. They just keep pumping out the fine liquids.

The story isn’t over as Rich and family joined my family for a Mexican fiesta of sorts: tacos, enchiladas, and quesadillas. I was partial to the quesadillas as I made them on the grill with cheese, peppers, and chicken: darn tasty.

Rich and I partook in several beers on the evening: home brew IPA (which has become a solid beer, home brew honey ale (first attempt, solid but has some work), Russian River Pliny the Elder (about a five month old bottle that lost most of its hops but was still tasty, but in a different way), Avery Brewing Maharaja, and Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout (KBS). Quite a lineup with the perfect nightcap. Enjoy!

Aroma: 9, Taste: 8, Look: 9, Drinkability: 8, Overall: 8.4

Useless Fact: Children grow faster in the springtime.

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