Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer on Wednesday, August 25th, 2010
Last night marked the one year anniversary of Tuesday Night Beer Club (TNBC). Shawn, Mark, Ed, Rich, and myself were the players for the evening. Since it was a big evening we all decided to bring out the big guns to help celebrate.
Ed was the host for the evening, so he supplied us with dinner, which included burgers, brawts, potato salad, and chips. Darn tasty. As usual, each of us brought at least three beers. Shit, Mark brought a vertical of 10, 11, and 12 of Firestone Walker anniversary beers but we all agreed to have that at the next TNBC when we can do the vertical justice.
Below is the list of beers, in the order that I liked them.
I am almost never negative about American craft beer but I have had several Cigar City beers now (so have the others in the group) and none of us have been impressed. Maybe i have had the wrong beers. Enough said.
The next TNBC is in another four to six weeks, can’t wait for the Firestone vertical. Enjoy!