Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer on Wednesday, April 14th, 2010
The tenth monthly meeting of Tuesday Night Beer Club (TNBC) met last night. Mace was the host and invoked a summer beer theme for the evening. This meant we all had to try and bring beers that would help break us out of our cold Chicago state of mind. The pizza was good, quickly coating our stomachs getting us ready for our tastings.
Mark has been bringing some nice beers from his cellar each month. This month he brought a 2009 Three Floyds Dark Lord. Since almost all of us will be attending Dark Lord Days, he thought it would be appropriate to bust out a bottle for all to share. It was my first chance to taste. I found it to be very good, but I liked the ’08 Surly Darkness Mark shared with us over the summer better. Don’t let that think that it isn’t good, it is outstanding.
The official beer list, which was drank in the order listed, has my ranking at the end:
Ed and I both brought our most recent home brew; it was Ed’s first and I think it was better than mine. The June TNBC will be held at my house and will be the official first year anniversary get together. Enjoy!
Tags: Beer, tuesday night beer club