Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer on Thursday, April 8th, 2010
I’ve had Dale’s Pale Ale and Gordon from Oskar Blues, having thoroughly enjoyed both. My can of Ten Fidy has been sitting in the cellar for close to eight months. Hey, it is a Russian Imperial Stout (RIS) it will last, especially in the can. So I haven’t been in a rush but the weather is finally getting nicer in Chicagoland and I didn’t want the beer sitting down there until next winter. Why? I need room for all the spring, summer, and fall beers that are starting to find their way to the local beer stores.
Upon looking at the bottom of the can I noticed that it was canned on 2008-12-22 making it about 16 months old: great aging time for a RIS. Popping the top and pouring the oily, black, and thick beer into a pint glass brought about a beautiful, mocha, thick foam that had some nice retention. Lacing was a little sticky.
Chocolate and dark fruits were the first aromas to hit my nose. Coffee was there a little later but none of the scents were over powering, just pleasant. Alcohol and hops didn’t come through. The taste follows the aroma with a nice sweetness to the finish. Once again, no alcohol. Probably one of the best, easy drinking RIS beers that I have had to date. Some have that alcohol twinge that makes it difficult to throw back. This one is dangerously easy on the palate.
I have two more in the cellar. Now that I know they are damn tasty, they won’t last long. Enjoy!