Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer on Wednesday, April 21st, 2010
The Brewers Gone Wild series of beers by Tyranena Brewing has been pretty good for me. I have had only four different flavors with a fifth (Chipolte) in the cellar. I am looking forward to that one even more as I believe the base beer for Dirty Old Man is the one for Chipolte.
Dirty Old Man, a beer that the labels states is an “imperial rye porter aged in rye whiskey barrels,” is a complete home run in my book. The complexities abound creating a titillating experience for the senses.
The malts are nicely balanced to give the chocolate, coffee, and roasted experience you expect in a good porter, while the whiskey adds some alcohol, with the rye throwing in a bit of spiciness, and, on top of all that, there is a layer of dark fruit that seems to keep the beer wet even though it wants to dry.
I don’t know how easy this one is to still pick up off the store shelves but if you have a local place you can pick even one up, don’t hesitate. Keep your eyes out for their next installment as their sites mentions it will be some type of Wisconsin/Belgian IPA. Whatever they want to call it, I am sure it will be liquid goodness in a bottle. Enjoy!
Tags: Beer, tyranena brewing company, tyranena dirty old man