Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer on Wednesday, April 28th, 2010
We all seem to have a brewery that seems to hold this niche place in our minds that is almost like a crush from our younger days: perfect, flawless, and for some reason, seemingly unattainable. Ever since I noticed a bottle of Kate the Great at Mark’s house, I have had an affinity for Portsmouth Brewery. No, it isn’t the fact that it was a bottle of Kate the Great, but how simply they made their labels, how you could tell they were small, how you could see the dent in the crown from where it was manually sealed. Sort of an ode to the small brewery.
Since that night at Mark’s, he has shared his ’09 Kate the Great and I have had their Bottle Rocket IPA. I also had a bottle of Oatmeal Stout that had been sitting in the cellar for a couple of months.
It has been hard to not open it and I really wanted to share it, but along came last night. I have been working long, crazy hours for work into the wee hours of the morning and I am finally recovering my normal head. I thought to myself: what better way to celebrate than with something special. Portsmouth Oatmeal Stout!
This is a rich, robust scented beer with roasted notes being the strongest. There is a definite chocolate and oat aroma about the beer. Hints of brown sugar and lactose are very subtle. The taste is similar while the chocolate leaves a bit of bitterness in the finish. Surprisingly, based on the aroma, the beer is very drinkable and has a great presence for drinking several as it doesn’t wear on the palate. Another great beer that is worth seeking out.
Of course after another great beer the crush for Portsmouth is still there. I have a trading buddy that goes by there once a month and checks for new bottlings. I look forward to each and everyone of their beers. Enjoy!