Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Site Updates on Saturday, August 15th, 2009
Last night was a whirlwind of ideas, beer, modifications, beer, direction, and beer. Chris, the guy doing our design, stopped over for beer, pizza, and a hard core night of site design. The pizza was of the frozen variety and my wife was mad at me for not spending the dough on real pizza. 🙂
We nailed down the contents of the entire site, which pages will be live on launch, and even tossed around ideas of future updates. I have my coding work cut out for me. Rich will be busy working on content.
Rich and I had many a beer and the high alcohol had fun with our ability to make sound decisions until we, more or less, just stopped really making strides on the site. We capped the evening off with a Gordon by Oskar Blues. One damn yummy beer. Chris only had a couple of Miller Lites (makes me cringe to type that) as he had to work this morning.
Overall we accomplished more than in any meeting to this point and we definitely have a clear path for the October release. Now we just have to find time to get it all done. Enjoy!
Tags: Beer, brewery, brewery hop, gordon from oskar blues grill & brew, two beer dudes