Two Beer Dudes More Site Updates
By scot in Site Updates on Wednesday, March 24th, 2010
In our continued quest to get all the functionality we believe the Two Beer Dudes site needs before taking off the “beta” moniker, some updates were made to the site. The changes:
- The contact us page is no longer a dead link. You can now contact the Two Beer Dudes. Just be patient while waiting for a reply.
- If you have an account and you are logged in, there will a an “update” icon next to the name of a beer on a beer review page. The update link allows a user to submit information about a potential change to a beer. Requests need to be specific and do your research first
- A beer now marked as retired will show up on the site as so and be grouped with other retired beers on an establishments page.
Until I have time to make some more, which it is need of, these will have to suffice. Hopefully it makes the experience more enriching. Enjoy!
Tags: Beer, two beer dudes