Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Site Updates on Monday, January 18th, 2010
It seems like the site update bug has hit me. The past few days I have been working on the site feverishly to update the site profile pages; which are still lagging. Rich also brought to my attention, via his son, that the site didn’t have an American craft beer highest rated page. You ask for it, you get it. After several hours of tinkering, styling, and writing queries the highest rated American craft beers page is active. air jordan 14 The page displays the top 50 beers by rating and the top 12 styles by rating. Code exists to raise the number of ratings that a beer has to have in order to be considered but now it is set at 1, the minimum.
I have added links to the navigation system and the footer links list so the page can be easily accessed from any where on the site and any where within a page. I am not too sure at this point if this page is a finished product but it is a start.
For fun, I added a pseudo easter egg to the page. If you add /low to the end of the url it will display the top 50 worst rated beers. Since we are not really about showing the bad side, this is the first and last time I will mention that this option even exists. 🙂 Enjoy!
Tags: american craft beer, Beer