Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer on Tuesday, January 19th, 2010
I have start off by saying that I have enjoyed the different IPAs that Flossmoor Station Restaurant & Brewery has put out on what seems to be a bi-monthly basis. Some people don’t like the idea because of the limited release, the limited availability, as well as them not ever making the beer again. air jordan 12 That makes it fun. That makes it worth it. It is the thrill of the hunt. The rarities are what make all hobbies intriguing, wanting, and yes, in some cases, needing. If their weren’t these small releases would people around the country be making long trips and/or turning release days into family vacation?
Enough on that topic, let’s go to the reviews.
I guess I was expecting more out of an IPA named CHAOS!!!, especially with the capital letters and three exclimation points. The Belgian style comes out in this beer with the hops taking the backseat. Once you get over the lack of hops, the beer is really good. air jordan 13 The peppery taste, assumed from the yeast, it a little overdone; after drinking the entire bomber it felt like someone had poured pepper on my tongue. Has orange-red wax to denote. 7/10
For the first time, in a while, I fit a second beer in for the evening. Double Trouble by Founders Brewing Company is their winter imperial IPA. Poured from a 12 ounce bottle into my Lunar Brewing Co. snifter, the beer has a pleasant citrus and floral aroma. The taste shows up with a resinous pine bitterness while the citrus and floral are absent. Sweetness to balance with a light body and ample carbonation. This is a good beer but not up to the standards of some of their other seasonals. 7/10
TNBC tonight, should be some good reviews tomorrow. Enjoy!
Tags: Beer, beer review, flossmoor chaos!!!, flossmoor station resturant & brewery, founders brewing company, founders double trouble