Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer on Thursday, November 12th, 2009
Another week and another beer store visit. Finding out the new American craft beer arrivals is strangely enough something that I look forward to. Like a small child awaits the trip to Target to check out the toys.
The beer store was loaded yesterday, the amount of new American craft beers seemed at a high, even without the leadership of Matt, the stores beer buyer. It isn’t often that I go up and down the aisle and lose track of the world around me as the new American craft beers on the shelves sparkle and fill my head with wonderment and thoughts of new jordan what they would taste like. Oh the possibilities.
New beer list:
Quite the stunning group. I pruchased a four pack of Backwoods Bastard, a bomber each of the following: Juliet, La Parcela, and Bourbon County Stout (2009) by Goose Island Brewery. Once I get over my cold, happy days for my beer tasting senses. Enjoy!
Tags: american carft beer, backwoods bastard, Beer, bells brewing co., christmas ale, dirty old man, founders brewing company, goose island brewery, jolly pumpkin artisan ales, juilet, la parcela, mild winter, sheep shagger, tyranena brewing company