Finally, Brewing Beer on Sunday

By scot in Home Brewing on Thursday, October 29th, 2009

early brewing

After a lot of hemming and hawing I have finally set a brewing date: Sunday, November 01, 2009. Yes, that is an official announcement and it can go on the news. Many delays, many articles read, many questions, etc about home brewing have brought me at least a month past my original plans. Supposedly good things comes to those who wait.

What am I going to be brewing? I am just going to go with a robust porter kit by Brewer’s Best that I picked up Wednesday from the local home brew shop. Nothing like being ready early. 🙂

Mike, a member of the local brewing club I joined, is going to stop by to give me a watch over, make comments, and make sure I don’t burn off my thin head of hair. Needless to say I am excited, looking forward to enjoying the brewing process, and learning from the experience. Enjoy!

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