Chicago Brew Werks Out of Business

By scot in Beer, Home Brewing on Wednesday, August 25th, 2021

Chicago Brew Werks is the local store that I have been going to for home brewing supplies since the beginning. The owner, Brando, was a friend I made while a member of P.A.L.E. (Plainfield Ale and Lager Enthusiasts). He was always the entrepreneur (owns Werk Force Brewing Co as well) and it wasn’t a surprise when he opened an initial store behind the Plainfield Binny’s. He quickly graduated to the current location shortly thereafter due to a great following by the home brewing club.

The home brewing store was a great place to hang out, chat about home brewing, learn about home brewing from other patrons and the staff, as well as have an American craft beer from Werk Force. The selection of hops, yeast, grain, and equipment was the best I had ever experienced in a home brew shop.

Unfortunately, Chicago Brew Werks had a liquidation sale the weekend of August 21st. Bitter sweet to get 50% off everything in the store.

In spite of my lack of home brewing over the past two years, I will miss the steady rock of a home brew store that Chicago Brew Werks had become. Brando, thank you!

Useless Fact: The average adult spends more time on the toilet than they do exercising.

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