Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer, Lounge on Thursday, August 27th, 2009
Commodore Perry an IPA from Great Lakes Brewing Company
If you have been paying any attention, you would know by now that I make weekly visits, on Wednesday, to the beer store across the street from my place of employment. No, I don’t sauce on the job. The beer store gets their big weekly shipment in on Wednesday morning. I have got to know the head beer buyer for the store, he has a great deal of knowledge about beer, has tasted a ton of beers, an offers his experience when selecting.
So what did I buy this week? Well, let’s start off with the beers I purchased for an evening in which a work friend of my wife’s is coming over. free run 4.0 v2 femmes He supposedly enjoys IPAs. I don’t know if he enjoys “real” beer, but that’s what he will be getting when he comes over. I could I pass up a chance to buy some good IPAs without one word of gripe from my wife?! IPA list:
With that out of the way, I figured I could pick up a beer or three for myself and disguise it within the confines of IPAs for her friend. Anything for a few good extra American craft beers! 🙂
It will be a few weeks before I drink the IPAs but I plan on enjoying the other two beverages in the short term. Enjoy!
Tags: american craft beer, Beer, beer store, commodore perry, great lakes brewing company, IPA, modus hoperandi, ska brewing company, southern tier brewing company, un-earthly