Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer Recipes, Home Brewing on Saturday, July 27th, 2013
It has been a while since I made one of my Alpha Acid Aspirations beers. Seven months to be exact. I have only made Blast and Chunk. The thought up front was a double Inida pale ale for each letter of the alphabet. I have recipes for ‘A’ and ‘D’ but haven’t brewed them (‘F’ is done as well). Looking back at those recipes, I like them both. What is the matter with me?
Eagle becomes the third beer in the series. The grist is very simple but I wanted to give the beer a bit more good ole fashion straight forward grain essence. Therefore I used a pound of Munich to achieve. A bit scared of adding too much as a DIPA should be dry, favoring the gloriousness of the hops used. I don’t want the Munich/grain to take over, just add a touch of complexity. The sugar should dry it out while the wheat should help head retention.
Simcoe and Amarillo hops have been on my radar to use together for a while. I am horrible at determining if hops will work together up front. Based on the aroma that was given off during fermentation, I think these two will make me very happy.
I have been experiencing some issues with my thermometers, causing me to hit a low mash temperature (this one was very low). I have to calibrate them to know if they are off. I do know that the weather has been below normal and this cause the mash tun and grain to be colder than anticipated. Enjoy!
General Information:
Brew Date: Saturday, July 27, 2013
Recipe Type: All Grain
Yeast: S05 (2)
Yeast Starter: none
Batch Size (Gallons): 5.50
Original Gravity: 1.074
IBU: 110.4
Color: 4.9 SRM
Boiling Time (Minutes): 90
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70%
Alcohol by Volume: 8.6%
Primary Fermentation: 14 days @68*F, 7 days dry hop @60*F
Grain Bill:
14.0# 2 Row
1.00# Red Wheat
0.50# Munich
0.25# Rice Hull
1.00# Table Sugar
Saccharification @148.2*F
Hop Bill:
1.00 ounces Amarillo first wort hop
1.00 ounces Simcoe first wort hop
0.80 ounces Warrior @60 minutes
0.25 ounces Chinook @60 minutes
0.50 ounces Amarillo @10 minutes
0.50 ounces Simcoe @10 minutes
0.50 ounces Amarillo @5 minutes
0.50 ounces Simcoe @5 minutes
0.50 ounces Amarillo @1 minute
0.50 ounces Simcoe @1 minute
2.50 ounces Amarillo 7 day dry hop
2.00 ounces Simcoe 7 day drop hop
1.0 tsp Irish Moss @ 15 minutes
1.0 tsp Yeast Nutrient @ 15 minutes
Useless Fact: The San Francisco Cable cars are the only mobile National Monuments.