Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer, Beer Recipes, Home Brewing on Sunday, April 19th, 2020
Loblolly, an oatmeal stout with coffee, has become an annual staple in the home brewing repertoire. Typically I brew it in late winter or early spring. With everything going on this year in the world, it slipped to the springtime. The day was close to 60*F, the first day over 50*F in a week and a nice break to two days of snow during the week.
The coffee is still remaining from first home brew day of Loblolly, back in early 2018. It has been vacuumed sealed and in the freezer ever since. When I made the beer last year, the year old coffee hadn’t lost a step, I am assuming the two year old coffee shouldn’t be any different.
Now that I have extra free time and getting American craft beer isn’t as easy as before, my home brewing is going to get an uptick. Up next: NEIPA. Enjoy!
General Information:
Brew Date: Ssturday, April 19, 2020
Recipe Type: All Grain
Yeast: S-04, not hydrated
Yeast Starter: none
Batch Size (Gallons): 5.5
Original Gravity: 1.059
Finishing Gravity: N/A
IBU: 39.9
Color: 36.3 SRM
Boiling Time (Minutes): 60
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.74%
Alcohol by Volume: N/A
Calories per ounce: N/A
Primary Fermentation: start @66*F, slow rise for 3 days @70*F
Grain Bill:
8.00 pounds Maris Otter
2.00 pounds Flaked Oats
1.00 pounds Roasted Barley
1.00 pounds 60L
0.75 pounds Chocolate Malt
Saccharification @157.3*F
Hop Bill:
4.00 ounces 2019 Pacifica @60 minutes
1.0 tsp Irish Moss @15 minutes
1.0 tsp Yeast Nutrient @15 minutes
4.0 quarts of rice hulls
Useless Fact: At a glance, the Celsius scale makes more sense than the Fahrenheit scale for temperature measuring. But its creator, Anders Celsius, was an oddball scientist. When he first developed his scale, he made freezing 100 degrees and boiling 0 degrees, or upside down. No one dared point this out to him, so fellow scientists waited until Celsius died to change the scale.