American Craft Beer Increases Again

By scot in Lounge on Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

According to the Brewers Association American craft breweries sales were up over 7% from 2008. Another solid performance in spite of a downturn for U.S. beer sales overall.

In a year when other brewers saw a slowdown in sales, small and independent craft brewers saw sales dollars increase 10.3 percent and volume increase 7.2 percent2 over 2008, representing a growth of 613,992 barrels equal to roughly 8.5 million cases.

Overall, U.S. beer sales were down approximately 5 million barrels (31 gallons per U.S. barrel) in 2009.

One questions lingers in my mind: How much will this affect the true craft beer geeks ability to get short craft beer speciality runs? Enjoy!

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