January Tuesday Night Beer Club
By scot in Beer on Wednesday, January 20th, 2010
This month’s TNBC had a little twist: Ed, the host, wanted to do a blind taste test. I have to admit that I wasn’t completely thrilled with the idea when Ed mentioned that he wanted to go this route a couple of weeks before the event. Ed, I am sorry. I stand corrected.
As customary, Ed had to provide dinner. air jordan 11 Pizza, fried chicken, and fries were washed down by Hair of the Dog Blue Dot Double IPA, fall ’08. I didn’t rate any beers from the evening but I can say I wonder how hoppy this beer was when it was fresh. One of a few DIPAs that I have had that still had some hop to it after aging. I have a feeling I will be wondering for a long time what it would taste like fresh.
The first blind taste started shortly after dinner and was of three Quads.
- Baby Tree by Pretty Things
- Trappist Westvleteren 12
- Judgement Day by The Lost Abbey
I rated these in the order of Baby Tree, Judgement Day, and then Westvleteren 12.
The second and final taste taste was of three Barley Wines.
All five of us rated these beers in the same order: Mirror Mirror, Behemoth, and then Barleywine by Green Flash.
Unfortuantely that was the end of the night as it was already getting late with us all havig to work the next day. Besides we were watching Beer Wars. Enjoy!
Tags: Beer, beer reviews, deschutes brewery mirror mirror, green flash barleywine style ale, hair of the dog blue dot double ipa, pretty things baby tree, the loast abbey judgement day, three floyds behemoth barleywine, trappist westvleteren 12, tuesday night beer club