Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer on Thursday, January 21st, 2010
This time of the year I really enjoy having an American imperial stout. The rich malts, complexities, and full body are appreciated in the cold months.
Sea Monster Imperial Stout by Ballast Point Brewing Company fits the bill perfectly and was pleasantly appreciated. air jordan 10 The pour was dark with a small amount of brown foam that didn’t last with very minor splotchy lacing. The aroma and taste are filled with dark fruits (plum and raisins), chocolate, coffee, and sweet molasses. The chocolate is the stronger than the coffee in the flavor and leaves some creaminess and bitterness in the finish. The high alcohol is well masked but I thought I had a hit here in their in the aroma. Overall a real quality imperial that was easy to drink. I will try and get more of this and wonder how well it would cellar. 8/10 (could easily be a 9).
Even though I drank the bomber by myself, there was something missing. Hops. Down went my second Hop Slam that I have yet to review. Maybe tonight. Enjoy!
Tags: ballast point sea monster imperial stout, Beer, beer review, bells hop slam