Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Home Brewing on Friday, September 18th, 2009
The time has finally arrived: brew club first meeting. No, this isn’t the first meeting for the club, just my first one that I will be attending. I am trying to learn to brew. I have my equipment (hand-me-downs), been reading lots of information both online and in books, been listening to podcasts, and have been watching videos. powerlins ii femmes Even with all that I just want some hands on Q&A time with some real people, face to face.
Headhunters Brewing Club will be meeting starting at 7pm today. I have no idea how long the meeting will last. Based on the initial email flurry I had, they seem to be knowledgeable, friendly, and willing to help: the exact kind of home brewers I want to associate with.
I will pack up my home brew equipment and bring it along with me to work and then straight to the meeting on my way home. Yes, I am excited. Enjoy!
Tags: Beer, brewing club, headhunters brewing club, home brewing