Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer, Beer on Sunday, May 8th, 2011
Another transaction with an American craft beer connoisseur as myself has netted me a few more California to review and appreciate.
The first one from the group is Nelson by Alpine Beer Company. It was actually my second Alpine beer on the day as I had preceded this with Duet. The funny thing is the fact that they two combined didn’t really faze me. I had worked all day shoveling mulch, then off to soccer games, and finally some time to partake.
I have had both of these beers before but not quite so fresh. My California counterpart had actually picked them up at the brewery. Both tasted and smelled as if the hop cone was about ready to fall out of the bottle.
I am a hop head to some degree and my only regret about Nelson, as well as Duet, is that I cannot have these beers whenever I want. My mouth is starting to water and my skin turn green as I sit here, writing about the beers. Enjoy!
Aroma: 8, Taste: 9, Look: 9, Drinkability: 9, Overall: 8.8
Useless Fact: In 1950 at the Las Vegas Desert Inn, an anonymous sailor made twenty-seven straight passes (wins) with the dice at craps. The odds against such a feat are 12,467,890 to 1. Had he bet the house limit on each roll he would have earned $268 million. As it was, he was so timid with his wagers that he walked away from the table with only $750. The dice today are enshrined in the hotel on a velvet pillow under the glass.
Tags: alpine beer company, alpine nelson, american craft beer