Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer on Friday, February 4th, 2011
65 beers down in my quest for 365 different American craft beers in 365 days. I am not one big on anniversaries or mile stones. I will be happy when I reach day 365 as I am sure my liver will need a day of rest.
Dale’s Pale Ale, beer 65, by Oskar Blues Grill Y Brew is no stranger to me. I have had it on several occasions as I can get Oskar Blues beer when I am in Wisconsin, which is what I did on my recent visit to New Glarus Brewing Company.
i don’t know if my tastes have changed over the past few years, but the beer doesn’t excite me as it once did. The rating below is higher than I would rate this beer today, but it is still an 8.0+ beer. I wonder if the excitement of getting a beer that I normally can’t inflated my opinion of the beer? A blog for another day.
Dale’s is a nicely dry hopped American pale ale. The citrus hop profile is outstanding on the sniffer while the high IBUs for the style, 65, lend a bitterness that is pleasant but not over whelming; which is very important in a lighter beer style. This is a great summer beer that needs to be drank fresh so the hops don’t drop out on you. Enjoy!
Aroma: 9, Taste: 9, Look: 9, Drinkability: 9, Overall: 9.0
Useless Fact: In 18th Century Britain, you could take out insurance against going to hell.
Tags: american craft beer, oskar blues dales' pale ale, oskar blues grill & brew