New Glarus Two Women Lager Reviewed

By scot in Beer on Friday, October 8th, 2010

I am always on the lookout for another good beer from New Glarus Brewing Company as they are one of my favorite American craft beer breweries. On a recent visit to the brewery and Wisconsin, I picked up a bottle of Two Women Lager with some apprehension, as I am more of an ale guy.

The review of Two Women (that sounds a little strange) marked the 30th different beer I have had from New Glarus, quite an accomplishment since I have only been keeping records for the past 14 months.

The beer poured straw in color and crystal clear. Topped with frothy, white foam that had good retention, while the lacing was thick, sheeting, and all over. Aroma had lager yeast, lemon, herbal, and a touch of grain. The taste was similar: lager yeast, grain, and lemon where the main attractions. The body was light with enough carbonation to give a crisp and refreshing finish.

Why o’ why do I everh have any apprehensions when it comes to beer from New Glarus? I just need to taste, savor, and shutup. Enjoy!

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