Three New Beers Reviewed
By scot in Beer on Friday, January 29th, 2010

Last night was Thursday, so Rich and I got together for our weekly (at least we try) beer tasting and reviews of American craft beer. We had a total of four beers but one of them, Raspberry Tart by New Glarus, I had already had. So this will be a discussion of the other three. 🙂
Iron Horse IPA by Mt. Pleasant Brewing was the first beer of the night. free run 4.0 v2 femmes We split a 12 ounce bottle with my pour being very cloudy due to the yeast trub from the bottom of the bottle. Foam was nothing great. Citrus and pine hops are there but not pronounced in either aroma or taste. There is a caramel sweetness to balance. Bitterness and spice are parts of the late mout both lingering into the aftertaste. Medium body and light carbonation seem to fit. A slightly above average IPA that is easily sessionable. 6/10
The Round Barn has been making wine for a long time in the South-West corner of Michigan but their entry into the American craft beer scene is relatively new. I had heard that the old brewer from Founders is helping them get their sea legs. Cocoa Stout was the flavor I choose from several others. Sweet lactose, chocolate, coffee, roasted, oat, and bitterness all play varying rolls to the senses. This is a quality stout that can feel mildly watery in the mouth at times, giving me only major concern in this otherwise well rounded brew. 7/10
Last beer of the evening: Arrogant Bastard Ale by Stone. The price point on this beer is outstanding: $4.99 for a bomber (22 ounces). The hop profile that I was expecting and heard about just wasn’t there. free run 4.0 v3 I think I purchased this bottle this past summer and who knows how old it was before that. With that off my chest, I still liked the beer but I don’t think to the complete extent I would a fresh bottle as the bitterness seemed so unbalanced. Until I get a fresh one, my current rating will have to suffice. 7/10
It looks like I will be at Half Acre tomorrow for their weekly tour and then Stockholm’s on Sunday with Rich. Enjoy!
Tags: Beer, beer review, mt. pleasant brewing, mt. pleasant iron horse ipa, new glarus brewing company, new glarus rasperry tart, stone arrogant bastard ale, stone brewing company, the round barn brewery, the round barn cocoa stout