Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer, Beer Recipes, Home Brewing on Sunday, January 6th, 2019
I have been home brewing for 10 years and, most years, I brew 12+ batches of home brew. You would think by now that I have the brew process down. You would think that my room for mistakes would be minimal at best. You don’t know me well enough then!
When racking the first batch of Squeal Like a Pig! to the keg, I didn’t realize I didn’t drain the sanitary water prior to kegging the entire contents of the carboy. Well, that is misleading: most of the contents of the carboy. I thought it was strange that I had so much beer left over in my carboy after racking a Northeast IPA to the keg. But, not until I was cleaning, did I realize the failure of my actions. By then it was too late. I manned up and drain poured. I didn’t mess anything else up throughout the brew process but the last step and a step that is used to make sure that the kegged beer doesn’t get contaminated.
The beer smelled fantastic. I needed Northeast IPA and I wasn’t paying full retail. I had to brew it again. So, only 17 days after the first brew day of Squeal Like a Pig!, I brewed again.
The brew day went off without a hitch. It is already kegged and on gas. I am only waiting to taste. Reproducing the recipe below as I changed the dry hopping amounts. Enjoy!
General Information:
Brew Date: Sunday, January 06, 2019
Day: hazy but somewhat sunny, @44*F
Recipe Type: All Grain
Yeast: S04
Yeast Starter: None
Batch Size (Gallons): 5.5
Original Gravity: 1.068
Finishing Gravity: 1.010
IBU: 55.0
Color: 5.0 SRM
Boiling Time (Minutes): 60
Conversion Efficiency: 66.99%
Alcohol by Volume: 7.61%
Apparent Attenuation: 85%
Calories per ounce: 222.2 per 12oz bottle
Primary Fermentation: 7 days @68*F
Grain Bill:
11.00 pound(s) 2-row
1.50 pound(s) Red Wheat
1.50 pound(s) Oats
6.00 ounce(s) Honey Malt
Saccharification @150.2*F
Hop Bill:
1.50 ounce(s) 2016 Citra @first wort
2.00 ounce(s) 2016 Simcoe @10 minutes
1.00 ounce(s) 2017 Citra @10 minutes
1.00 ounce(s) 2017 Galaxy @10 minutes
1.50 ounce(s) 2017 Galaxy whirlpool, 20 minutes
1.50 ounce(s) 2017 Mosaic whirlpool, 20 minutes
1.50 ounce(s) 2017 Citra dry hop, high fermentation
2.00 ounce(s) 2017 Galaxy dry hop, high fermentation
2.00 ounce(s) 2017 Mosaic dry hop, high fermentation
1.0 tsp Irish Moss @15 minutes
1.0 tsp Yeast Nutrient @15 minutes
4.0 quarts of rice hulls
Useless Fact: Elephants use the skin folds on their backs to crush mosquitoes.