Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer, Beer Recipes, Home Brewing on Monday, December 31st, 2018
This is my second time brewing Loblolly. Therefore I will keep this short and not get into the minutia of my thought process. Read that other brew day.
There is a very simple reasons why I brewed Loblolly again:
The decision to not change anything on brew day and throughout the process was due to the two factors above. Why change something that was met with great success. Change for change’s sake doesn’t agree with my logic mind. Therefore every, to the best of my ability as a home brewer, stayed the same as the first brew day and full process.
Note: after looking at the ingredients I used on brew day, the recipe changed slightly. I did not have C80 and Caramalt. I replaced the pound of those two combined malts with a pound of C60.
Adding the recipe here again as well as brew day numbers (they were a touch different). Enjoy!
General Information:
Brew Date: Monday, December 31, 2018
Day: overcast, rainy, @36*F
Recipe Type: All Grain
Yeast: S04
Yeast Starter: None
Batch Size (Gallons): 5.5
Original Gravity: 1.063/15.44*P
Finishing Gravity: 1.026/6.57*P
IBU: 42.9
Color: 36.3 SRM
Boiling Time (Minutes): 60
Conversion Efficiency: 78.83%
Alcohol by Volume: 4.86%
Apparent Attenuation: 57%
Calories per ounce: 213.6 per 12oz bottle
Primary Fermentation: 11 days @68*F
Grain Bill:
8.00 pounds Maris Otter
2.00 pounds Flaked Oats
1.00 pounds Roasted Barley
12.0 ounces Chocolate Malt
1.00 pounds Caramel 60L
Saccharification @156.9*F
Hop Bill:
1.00 ounces 2016 Magnum @60 minutes
1.0 tsp Irish Moss @15 minutes
1.0 tsp Yeast Nutrient @15 minutes
4.0 quarts of rice hulls
Useless Fact: The metal part on a pencil is called a “ferrule.”