Brewed: Ryled Up

By scot in Beer, Beer Recipes, Home Brewing on Thursday, August 7th, 2014

1# rye malt

I have brewed a Rye Saison a couple of times (the most recent I haven’t blogged about). Each time I have add some Brett to the beer after primary with a Saison yeast. In both instances there hasn’t been much rye left in the finished beer. I vowed to make a rye beer that would allow the rye to stand on its’ own two feet, while not over powering the beer, keeping balance and complexity.

I purchased some rye on my recent visit to the local home brew store (Chicago Brew Werks – probably the best selection of specialty malts I have seen anywhere), with the assertion that a rye beer that I have always wanted was one brew day away.

There was only one problem: I hadn’t made a recipe.

I thought about it for a bit, realizing that the large amount of hops in my freezer wasn’t getting younger. I had to start using them and a lot of them. That made the decision very simple. American IPA.

I had just finished bottling a DIPA a few days earlier, therefore I needed a beer that was more interesting from the malt side, balanced and had a bit of body. I still wanted a dry beer. I like dry IPAs. I needed a recipe, mash and yeast that would let me achieve my goal. I added the Caramel Vienne to get a touch of sweetness and very light toastiness, while the oats would help keep up the body of the beer with a mash at 150*F (was shooting for 151*F) making for a very fermentable wort by the S-05. I chose Cascade for the citrus that I feel is a great compliment to rye while the El Dorado has a nice fruitiness that I think would add a touch of complexity. I wanted the Cascade to stand out more – the reason for using more of this hop.

I should be dry hopping this beer around August 23rd, bottling it the following week. Hopefully ready for Bears football. Enjoy!

General Information:
Brew Date: Thursday, August 07, 2014
Recipe Type: All Grain
Yeast: Safale S-05
Yeast Starter: none
Batch Size (Gallons): 5.50
Original Gravity: 1.055
IBU: 46.6
Color: 6.0 SRM
Boiling Time (Minutes): 60
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70%
Alcohol by Volume: 6.5%
Fermentation: 14 days @69*F, 7 days dry hopping

Grain Bill:
10.0# Two-Row
2.00# Rye
1.00# Caramel Vienne (20L)
0.25# Oats

Saccharification @150.2*F

Hop Bill:
1.00 ounces El Dorado first wort (treated as 20 minute addition)
1.00 ounces Cascade @ 10 minutes
1.00 ounces Cascade whirl pool (treated as 30 minute addition)
1.00 ounces El Dorado dry hop (7 days)
2.00 ounces Cascade dry hop (7 days)

1.0 tsp Yeast Nutrient @ 15 minutes
1.0 tsp Irish Moss @ 15 minutes


  • 2014-08-28: Dry hopped with 2.0 ounces Cascade and 1.0 ounces El Dorado

Useless Fact: Sharon Stone was the first Star Search spokes model.

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