Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer, Lounge on Tuesday, June 12th, 2012
It has been a while since I had the pleasure of a Furious by Surly Brewing Company. It is easily one of my favorite American IPAs. In fact it is in the team photo as one of my favorite American craft beers.
Since stopping at the brewery on the family vacation in 2010, I have only had Furious on a few select occasions. Therefore I was delighted to here that Rich had to head up to Minneapolis for business. Better yet, he was driving. Load up the car!
After sharing a Furious at Rich’s house shortly after the trip, I realized that the three 4-packs were ridiculously short sighted on my end. I think I forgot how much this beer makes my senses happy. I went through four of them in a “controlled” weekend as well as a Coffee Bender. Why didn’t I buy more? Was thinking the wife might be angry if I spent too much. Of course, after the fact, she said I should have pulled down a case. Crap, missed opportunity.
This beer is delicious no matter which new hop hits the market. I plan on having the last eight cans over the next couple of weeks; that’s as long as I can make them last. The best part about it: the beer is only 14 days fresh. Yummy. Enjoy!
Useless Fact: Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
Tags: american craft beer, american ipa, surly brewing company, surly furious