Hill Farmstead Brewery Jim (365 Day 362)

By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer, Beer on Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

hill farmstead brewery jim

Hill Farmstead Jim

I talked to my seven year old last night to make sure I knew how to count. According to her I should be good to go to finish off the last three days without any mishaps. I am glad that I received a clean bill of counting from her. Still can’t believe I forgot to post that one entry, screwing up the past 11 days of American craft beer counting. Enough of this as I have apologized enough.

Jim is my first beer from Hill Farmstead Brewery. This is one of those breweries I have read about recently and wanted to get a few American craft beer from. Fortunately I found a trading partner as Hill Farmstead beers are very low release in bottles.

Jim is a Cascadian Dark Ale which is an American IPA that has had some sort of dark malt added for aroma and flavor. Some of the dark malts used in this style are roasted barley, carafa, and even chocolate. Jim has one of the largest and thickest foam heads I have seen in an American craft beer. It makes the beer very pleasing to the eye.

A really well done interpretation of the style, Jim deserves your attention if you are fortunate to lay your hands on a bottle. Enjoy1

Aroma: 9 (25%), Taste: 8 (25%), Look: 10 (15%), Drinkability: 8 (35%), Overall: 8.6

Useless Fact: Ancient Chinese artists freely painted scenes of nakedness and coition. Never, absolutely never, would they depict a simple bare female foot.

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