365 American Craft Beer Goof, Oops!

By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer, Beer, Lounge on Monday, November 28th, 2011

We all make mistakes. You better believe it that I make my fair share and then some. I was just doing the math in my head, in terms of my last day of 365 American craft beers in 365 days, and noticed that my original counts were off. Numbers have always come easy for me: I was an accounting major, taught high school math, and do logical thinking on a daily basis for a living. So how could the number get weird the last 10 days or so?

The entire time that I have been doing, I have been following King Bob as he has been doing the same. He has always been two days ahead of me. He always blogs on the day he drinks the beer, I always blog on the day after I drink the beer but in terms of days, when he is on beer 100, I am on beer 98, on the same day. I was reading his entry from yesterday and noticed that today is his last day and, I thought, that Wednesday was my last with Thursday being the one extra beer I promised for accidentally having a duplicate.

So how the hell did I get three days behind (based on current numbers)?

Great question and one I had to solve. I knew that I had to double number a blog or something similar. This is exactly what it turned out to be but one step further: I didn’t actually post the first 350.

So what does it mean? The last American craft beer I officially have will be on Thursday and numbered 365, as it should be. Simple. Clean. Done. Enjoy!

Useless Fact: Currier and Ives published more than 7,000 prints. They ran a large factory with hundreds of employees, including many full-staff artists. Through their prints are rare and expensive today, they originally sold for 10 cents apiece.


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