Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer, Beer on Friday, November 25th, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving! The one holiday that allows me to spend a ridiculous amount of time with family and friends. It cannot be beat for that aspect. Turkey, green bean casserole, sour cream cucumbers, double backed yam, and my Mom’s ludicrously delicious and home made stuffing. All piping hot, all fresh, and all making my mouth water again. Dessert is home made pumpkin pie with real whip cream; is there any other way?
The night cap on the evening was a stop off at Rich’s. I brought over a couple of American craft beers to help celebrate Rich’s birthday a day late. An American Strong Ale, the highlight of the evening was 13 Anniversary Ale by Firestone Walker Brewing Company. Firestone’s anniversary beers are always a blend of bourbon barrel aged beers. Each year it is different and, I believe, a group of wine people from the local area come in to taste and determine the blend. Cool idea, great beer. Enjoy!
Aroma: 9 (25%), Taste: 10 (25%), Look: 8 (15%), Drinkability: 10 (35%), Overall: 9.5
Useless Fact: It is possible for a fetus in the womb to get hiccups.
Tags: american craft beer, american strong ale, firestone walker 13 anniversary ale, firestone walker brewing compnay