Weyerbacher Brewing Company Old Heathen (365 Day 260)

By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer, Beer on Thursday, August 18th, 2011

Weyerbacher Old Heathen

Today created the triple play for Weyerbacher Brewing Company beers: I had my third in a row. I have to say that I have been very happy with all three American craft beers, including today’s: Old Heathen.

Old Heathen is another Russian Imperial Stout, the same as Heresy. My thought is that Heresy is the bourbon aged version of Old Heathen. Heresy was so well balanced that it was easy to make out the underlying stout, Old Heathen seems to represent that stout.

Roasted, chocolate, coffee, molasses, and more excite the senses: both the nose and mouth. Medium body with no carbonation to sit on this beer dries the palate quickly and completely. The body probably isn’t big enough for some people that will tell you a RIS should be drank as dinner. I think it is a breath of fresh air that a complex beer can be made within a style without trying to set new first for size. Well done. Enjoy!

Aroma: 7 (25%), Taste: 9 (25%), Look: 10 (15%), Drinkability: 9 (35%), Overall: 8.7

Useless Fact: In the year 632, when the prophet Muhammad died, the Islamic empire comprised only an insignificant corner of Arabia. A little more than a hundred years later the Moslem religion had spread to Persia, Egypt, Syria, India, Central Asia, parts of northern Africa, and into southern Africa. In a century’s time Islam had converted one-third of the world.

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