Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer, Beer on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011
American craft beer seems to be creating bigger and bigger beers per the beer geek wants and desires, it probably also helps that big beers can command big prices. What this means is that very few American breweries seem to concentrate or put much effort towards true session beers.
For some that may raise the question of what is a session beer. Rather simple but a beer that has below a certain level of alcohol, usually 4.5%, so that you can “session” it without having too much alcohol in your system. Also, flavors don’t approach the levels of an imperial but there should still be good, quality aroma and taste. These should not suffer in spite of the low alcohol level.
Dos Perros by Yazoo Brewing Company is a session American brown ale. Low abv of 3.5% puts it into the range of session. It still has a good taste for and ample aroma. Drinking this a bit above refrigeration temperature helps it come alive more (as most good American craft beers do). It is easy to drink and refreshingly light.
This was my third beer from Yazoo and I am very satisfied with each. I have one more of their beers left and look forward to it. Enjoy!
Aroma: 6 (25%), Taste: 7 (25%), Look: 8 (15%), Drinkability: 9 (35%), Overall: 7.6
Useless Fact: At the time of Titus in fourth-century Rome, the Circus Maximus held 380,000 spectators.
Tags: american craft beer, yazoo brewing company, yazoo dos perros