Ninkasi Brewing Company Tricerahops (365 Day 79)

By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer on Friday, February 18th, 2011

With all the American craft beer sites on the internet, it makes for a great conduit to reach out to other hobbyists, obtaining some fine brews from all over the United States. The internet is still in it’s infancy but it amazes me everyday how much we can do and rely on it in our lives. Sentimental moment finished.

Tricerahops by Ninkasi Brewing Company is an American Imperial IPA. Rich grabbed this beer in a recent exchange. I really think it was the focus of his trade as he had read good things about the beer.

The hop profile of the beer is tradition with a twist of old school; possibly Fuggle or Willemette, as there was a woody profile within the grapefruit and pine hops. The twist was pulled off well and was appreciated as so many beers seem to be clones of others. The taste and aroma were both closely related. The high alcohol is well hidden as is the 100 IBU – not much bitterness. Both of these facts add up to make Tricerahops a easy drinking, DIPA. Enjoy!

Aroma: 10, Taste: 10, Look: 8, Drinkability: 9, Overall: 9.4

Useless Fact: Pioneer 11’s speed going past Jupiter was over 107,000 miles (172,163 km) per hour, the fastest speed ever traveled by a human-made object.

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