Cigar City José Martí (365 Day 61)

By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer on Monday, January 31st, 2011

Cigar City José Martí

Cigar City Brewing. Ever since the brewery has opened up, people have raved about their beers and, especially, their artisan ability to create nuisance within their main beers. Just like everyone else, I wanted some of their beer. I was patient, made a few arrangements, and tried some of their flavors.

I was disappointed. Outside of Jai Alai I wondered if people were drinking the same beers I happened to be. Then, this past year, I decided to do a BIF and the person who had me was from Florida. I didn’t know this up front but once the beers arrived and seven of the fourteen beers were from Cigar City. I was appreciative but my heart sank. I just didn’t think quality American craft beer was to be found, from my taste bud standpoint, in a Cigar City bottle.

José Martí is the fourth beer I have to this point from group, with this one being the king of the group. Only one of those four I would rate average, while the rest are really solid. I guess I didn’t give them enough of a try the first time around.

José Martí is a porter whose bold aroma of flavor filled of chocolate, coffee, and dark malt seem better placed in a stout. No matter, this beer is very drinkable but has that huge, pleasant stout-like backbone that is very pleasing. I know want more of this beer. Enjoy!

Aroma: 9, Taste: 9, Look: 10, Drinkability: 9, Overall: 9.2

Useless Fact: The fastest Pony Express ride was 7 days, 17 hours and was carrying Lincoln’s inaugural address.

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