D.L. Geary London Porter (365 Day 11)

By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer on Sunday, December 12th, 2010

Smack dab in the middle of my third cold in two months, I find myself facing a dilemma in my race to 365 American craft beers in 365 days. I had contemplated this scenario before even starting the event. After jumping into my second week, I quickly came down with a cold and wondered if I would be able to keep up my end of the bargain. Not too many people can go an entire year without spending a spell south of the weather, so I guess it is better to have my first test sooner than later.

London Porter by D.L. Geary is an English Porter, that I had in the past and figured that would cut out some of the task of the review.

The beer pours black with a nice brown foam that lasts for a fair amount time, leaving traces throughout the drink. Aroma is malt forward. Roast, toast, caramel, and chocolate all collaborate to a fine tune on the nose. The same notes come through in the mouth. It seems to have an almost perfect balance that makes for a great drinker. The body might be a little less than I would like but overall this is a solid offering. Enjoy!

Aroma: 9, Taste: 8, Look: 9, Drinkability: 9, Overall: 8.8

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