Saugatuck Singapore IPA (365 Day 10)

By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer on Saturday, December 11th, 2010

Saugatuck Brewing Company Singapore IPA

Beer 10 of my quest to have 365 different American craft beers in 365 days. I have come down with a cold. The entire ride home from work I was thinking about what I would have that I might be able to at least smell (the sniffer is working but the taste buds are pretty shot). Thinking straight was a challenge: I couldn’t’ remember what I had in the fridge as I knew I wanted something somewhat light: no big stouts.

So I choose my beer after a few minutes in front of the fridge; the next thing I know it is Sunday afternoon and I am doing the write ups for Friday (the day in question) and Saturday (365 Day 11) and I can’t even remember what beer I had on Friday. Drawing blank after blank after blank. It felt like some cruel joke and the joke was on me. So I wrote up my Saturday beer first. 🙂

While doing the write up for day 11, I realized my best bet was to go through all the beer reviews, as day 10 was a repeat. Hopefully this process would jar my memory.

Ah, yes, it did! Singapore IPA by Saugatuck Brewing Company and American IPA. The beer pours with some nice white foam leaving behind good lacing. The aroma is built on hops: fruity, citrus, and a bit of hop resin. Malty sweetness in the taste is quickly balanced with a round of hops that leaves on non-lasting bitter bite. My first offering from Saugatuck but hopefully not my last. A solid beer that I might have graded to harshly the first time around. Enjoy!

Aroma: 9, Taste: 8, Look: 8, Drinkability: 8, Overall: 8.3

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