Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer on Wednesday, January 27th, 2010
There are some beers that I purchase out of pure curiosity. Magnus by Half Acre Beer Company fits perfectly into to that motif. free run 5.0 In this case I was curious about the brewery and what they had to offer, since they are the new kid on the block while being readily available, somewhat, in the Chicagoland area. The curiosity also extended to the fact that Magnus is a Schwarzbier, a style that I haven’t found much of in the American craft beer industry (to this point, maybe I have also subconsciously avoided).
I opened Magnus with blind faith that I would enjoy this beer as I had Daisy Cutter Pale Ale, possibly placing Half Acre as a quick up and comer on the craft beer scene. Off with the cap, let’ try this sucker out.
Pours a perfect shade of brown with a single finger of tan foam. Frothiness develops as the foam dissipates leaving some sticky blotchy lacing. Roasted, toasted, caramel, and nutty malt stimulates the senses. Coffee comes in the finish of the beer; both on the nose and palate. A nice creamy mouth feel with a medium carbonation and slight alcoholic twang. Very drinkable and completely enjoyable beer. It is a shame it is a one shot. 8/10
Half Acre is quickly building its’ reputation with me. I have a bomber of Big Hugs Imperial Stout that I cannot wait to taste and rate. Enjoy!
Tags: american craft beer, Beer, beer review, half acre beer company, half acre magnus