Four Peaks Kilt Lifter (365 Day 14)

By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer on Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

Four Peaks Brewing Company Kilt Lifter

The second week comes to a close with a bit of a disappointment in terms of the American craft beer that I chose, Kilt Lifter, for beer number 14. I placed a group of beers in the fridge over the weekend to get me through the next couple of weeks of daily beers.

I chose Kilt Lifter, brewed by Four Peaks Brewing Company, for two reasons:

  1. I knew it was some type of Scottish Ale and thought that it would be a nice medium bodied beer or better on a very cold night in Chicagoland.
  2. It would be my first beer on the Two Beer Dudes site that is from Arizona.

So I jumped into the beer enthusiastically. The pour was full of carbonation that I did not expect: 90% or more of my glass was consumed with two ounce pour. The aroma was really built on caramel malt, even that wasn’t all that strong but that’s all I could find. The taste is a bit better with some spice hops in the finish to balance all the sweetness from the caramel malts. Medium body and not an overall bad drinking beer. I think the over abundance of carbonation turned me off quickly as well as the lack of complexity on the sniffer.

Alas, I am fat enough, deciding I don’t need extra calories for calorie sake. Drain pour. In spite of this little set back, I am looking forward to more beers from Four Peaks as well as other Arizona breweries. Enjoy!

Aroma: 5, Taste: 7, Look: 7, Drinkability: 7, Overall: 6.5

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