Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer, Lounge on Friday, August 21st, 2009
Rich and I had a chance to get together last night but not much site discussion went on. We ate dinner then got down to business: tasting beer. Rich provided the drink and the three bombers that we had were all Belgians. The line-up consisted of (in drinking order):
If you look at the reviews you will notice that only one of us actually free run 3.0 v4 reviewed the beers but we both enjoyed them. I would rank them in the following order:
Matilda (2009) really was a solid beer followed closely by Salvation while the style (Bière de Garde) of The Lost Abbey – Avant Garde might have been the biggest hindrance for me. I would easily suggest the first two to anyone interested in Belgians. Enjoy!
Tags: avery brewery, Beer, beer style, belgian beer style, belgian gold srong ale, belgian pale ale, bière de garde, brewery, goose island brewery, matilda, port brewing company