Two regular dudes who happen to be huge fans of American craft beer.
By scot in Beer, Lounge on Friday, December 16th, 2011
I received Hefeweizen bu Live Oak Brewing Company as part of a secret Santa I participated in this year. A growler of Hefeweizen arrived on Wednesday which was perfect timing for sharing with Rich, Steve, and Chuck on our Thursday night get together.
I have heard good things about live oak and specifically the Hefeweizen. No one was disappointed as Live Oak delivered here. Subtle banana, clove, yeast, and wheat all work well together to provide one easy drinking and refreshing beer. Top notch.
After the growler came to a quick end, we continued with a couple bombers of home brew: 203 DIPA and 203 DIPA on oak. I sent each of the guys home with a bottle of each and included one more bottle of Dirty Balls for good measure. The night ended on a very interesting note brought over by Chuck: a four year old bottle of Dreadnaught by Three Floyds Brewing Company. Enjoy!
Aroma: 9 (25%), Taste: 10 (25%), Look: 10 (15%), Drinkability: 9 (35%), Overall: 9.4
Useless Fact: The word “toast,” meaning a proposal of health, originated in Rome, where an actual bit of spiced, burned bread was dropped into wine to improve the drink’s flavor, absorb its sediment, and thus make it more healthful.
Tags: american craft beer, hefeweizen, live oak brewing company, live oak hefeweizen