New Glarus R&D Short Releases
By scot in Beer on Saturday, August 14th, 2010
Yesterday marked a first for New Glarus Brewing Company, that I know of: they had a publicized short release. Actually, not one but two beers were released. R&D Bourbon Barrel Kriek and R&D Gueuze. Kriek is a American wild ale while Gueuze is supposedly a gueuze. These two releases come on the heals of releasing their third Unplugged beer of the year: Abt.
The release was held yesterday, Friday, August 13th, 2010 at the brewery in New Glarus, Wisconsin. Kriek was released to the tune of 1,500 bottles while Gueuze was a 1,900 bottle release.
Each person was limited to three bottles per day. It seems like I was fortunate to be able to get six bottles of each today when the brewery opened at 10:00am. My wife called last night and we were told that they would probably be out of the beers by noon today. Based on the amount of people already there at 10, they were about dead on.
I also picked up the newest Unplugged release: Abt. As I wrote this tonight, I was partaking in the Kriek, the other two will follow in the next few days (probably tomorrow). Enjoy!
Tags: american craft beer, new glarus bourbon barrel kriek, new glarus brewing company, new glarus gueuze, new glarus unplugged abt