Russian River Brewing Company Temptation (365 Day 355)

By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer, Beer on Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

russian river brewing company temptation

Russian River Temptation

Russian River Brewing Company has created another fantastic beer. This time around it is Temptation another American Wild Ale.

The delight in this American craft beer is the subtleties of the complex aromas and flavors. Temptation is easy drinking and refreshing. Even though it is light there is an strong carbonation that adds to the drinkability. Enjoy!

Aroma: 9 (25%), Taste: 9 (25%), Look: 9 (15%), Drinkability: 10 (35%), Overall: 9.4

Useless Fact: There are almost 6 million red blood cells in a cubic millimeter of human blood. The entire body contains about 30 trillion red blood cells. When a person inhales several breaths of carbon monoxide, more than half of the blood’s hemoglobin combines with the gas, leaving only half the red blood cells to carry oxygen. This has the same effect on the body as a sudden loss of 50 percent of one’s red blood cells. Fifteen million red blood cells are produced and an equal number are destroyed every second.

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