Tuesday and Thursday Get Together

By scot in Beer, Home Brewing, Lounge on Friday, February 18th, 2011

This week was full of American craft beer goodness: Tuesday was Tuesday Night Beer Club (TNBC) and Thursday was the usual “site” talk evening.

TNBC was held at Shawn’s house only because Ed, who was to host it, asked to move it since his wife was sick. Ed still brought over Jimmie Johns sandwiches for dinner, on his own dime (yes, I offered to pay). The theme of the evening was whatever Mark wanted as it was going to be his last TNBC, as he is moving out to North Carolina. We all wish him luck with his new job and move. Damn trader.

Each of us brought over some of our better beers to try and give Mark a good send off. I already ranted about the Abyss debacle. The beer and ratings:

Note: a ranking of one is the best, so the higher the number the lower in the pecking order the beer was. Also, this is a number that compares them to the others that were tasted that evening and in no way is indicative of how the beer would actually be reviewed solo.
  Mark Shawn Ed Mike Scot Rich Average
Great Divide Fresh Hop Pale Ale 5 4 5 4 4 5 4.0
Goose Island Rare Bourbon County Stout 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0
Firestone Walker Parabola 2010 2 2 2 3 2 2 2.2
Full Sail Black gold Imperial Stout 2009 3 5 4 2 3 3 3.3
Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Grand Cru 4 3 3     4 3.5

Some solid beers to send Mark off to North Carolina. He says he will back, I am sure he will, but now he will have to supply us with beers from that part of the country.

Last night was Rich’s and my weekly get together to discuss the site. I have been inviting a few other people lately with them both showing up this week: Chuck and Steve. Four people make for some mighty fine conversation about the beers at hand.

The beer and ratings:

Note: a ranking of one is the best, so the higher the number the lower in the pecking order the beer was. Also, this is a number that compares them to the others that were tasted that evening and in no way is indicative of how the beer would actually be reviewed solo.
  Chuck Steve Rich Scot Average
Hair of the Dog Doggie Claws 2 2 2 2 2.0
Telegraph Rhinoceros 4 5 5 5 4.8
Ninkasi Tricerahops 1 4 1 1 1.8
The Lost Abbey Serpent’s Stout 3 1 3 3 2.5
Two Brothers Ebel’s Weiss 5 3 4 4 4.0
Stone Vertical Epic 10.10.10 6 6 6 6 6.0

I also opened up three of my home brews. First, an IPA, dry hopped with Citra and Amarillo that came out solid. Second, a milk stout that, for some reason, was under carbonated. Rich mentioned it had the good makings of a stout, just no carbonation. Finally, the same stout but aged on cocoa nibs for a week. I think the cocoa nibs, which I did not sanitize, contaminated my beer. Lesson learned for next time as they will go into Vodka before hand. Enjoy!

Useless Fact: Karoke means “empty orchestra” in Japanese.


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