Half Acre Daisy Cutter (365 Day 8)

By scot in 365 Days of American Craft Beer on Thursday, December 9th, 2010

It is hard to believe that I am already starting my second week of 365 American craft beers in 365 days. I have also hit a semi wall only eight days into this in terms of thinking this might be a bigger bite than I care to chew. I am wondering if tying myself to a beer for the next 357 days is going to push me past the limits of a hobby, turning it into a chore. Reviewing a beer should never, ever be considered a chore. I am quickly beginning to believe this will really become a mind game.

Only eight beers in, already my second Half Acre beer. Daisy Cutter, an American Pale Ale, is handsomely dried hopped so that you can quickly fancy the citrus, grassy, and fruity notes. A juicy beer in the mouth in which the hops bring their presence to the palate without leaving much of imprint. Well balanced, crisp, and refreshing. A beer that I turn to over and over again and will continue to.

Half Acre is an up and comer over the past two years from Chicago, IL. They do some nice seasonal and on-time beers too. If you are in the neighborhood, I highly recommend just about anything they ferment. Enjoy!

Aroma: 9, Taste: 9, Look: 8, Drinkability: 8, Overall: 8.5

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